
Voices of Franklin Tasmania electorate

#10 Prof Bruce Mountain and Marinus 

19 May 2024, 35 minutes 

Energy-policy expert Prof Bruce Mountain, from Victoria University, is a strong critic of the proposed Marinus Link – an undersea cable between Tasmania and Victoria, not unlike the controversial Basslink. He says it is not needed, will be very expensive, and average electricity customers will pay a heavy price for decades. It is a folly foisted on us by some ‘corporatised’ bureaucrats and politicians who are attracted to big ‘nation-building’ projects like Snowy 2.0. Prof Mountain says independent experts are against the project. Those pushing the project are not independent.


About Bruce Mountain: https://www.vu.edu.au/research/bruce-mountain


Mountain in RenewEconomy, 6 Sep 2023: https://reneweconomy.com.au/marinus-link-is-a-boondoggle-cutting-it-in-half-wont-change-that/


The ownership deal, 25 Mar 2024: https://www.dcceew.gov.au/about/news/new-ownership-deal-for-Tasmania-Victoria-clean-energy-link


Video: Mountain talks to Christine Milne, 13 Jul 2022: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8Je3PUBXTtw

#9 Dr Philip Lawn and the growth problem: part 1

12 May 2024, 37 minutes 

Steve Williams talks to heterodox economist Philip Lawn, based in Adelaide. Lawn is best known as an ecological economist following in the footsteps of the late Herman Daly. Lawn is an expert in the Genuine Progress Indicator, which is a superior metric of human welfare compared with GDP. In fact, increasing GDP beyond a critical point results in more bads than goods, resulting in uneconomic growth. Ecological economics is first and foremost about limiting the scale of the economy on a non-expanding planet to avoid overshoot and collapse. As Lawn says, we only have one Earth, not 1.8! 


Philip Lawn at Modern Money Lab: https://modernmoneylab.org.au/people/

Lawn lecture (2018): https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=K7L63x4TBZI&t=193s

Lawn talks to Herman Daly (2020): https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=O0GWdtGhy4A

Lawn’s book on climate change (2016): https://www.amazon.com.au/Resolving-Climate-Change-Crisis-Ecological/dp/940177501X

Genuine progress indicator: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Genuine_progress_indicator

Herman Daly’s economics (2015): https://greattransition.org/publication/economics-for-a-full-world 

#8 Kate Chaney and the conscience vote 

23 Apr 2024, 37 minutes

Kate Chaney, elected in 2022, is the federal independent member for Curtin in WA. In this podcast she discusses her journey into politics, what she cares about, and the fact that every vote that an independent member makes in parliament is a conscience vote.


Kate Chaney personal website: https://www.katechaney.com.au/

Kate Chaney parliamentary website: https://www.aph.gov.au/Senators_and_Members/Parliamentarian?MPID=300006

#7 Prof Steve Keen: the dangerous delusions of mainstream economics 

22 Apr 2024, 38 minutes

Host Steve Williams is joined by the author of Debunking Economics, Prof Steve Keen. Keen explains how the mainstream (neoclassicals) are isolated from the real world, rely on quasi-mathematical models (garbage in = garbage out), ignore money and energy, are insensitive to criticism, pervert the IPCC process, and more. As Keen says, the writer of the dominant economics textbook, at any point in time, rules the world (to paraphrase textbook writer Paul Samuelson).


Debunking Economics (2nd ed) 2011: https://www.amazon.com/Debunking-Economics-Revised-Expanded-Dethroned/dp/1848139926

'When idiot savants do climate economics': https://theintercept.com/2023/10/29/william-nordhaus-climate-economics/ 


Steve Keen on Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/ProfSteveKeen


Steve Keen on Substack: https://profstevekeen.substack.com/


X: @ProfSteveKeen


David Graeber on the history of money on the BBC (audio): https://www.bbc.co.uk/programmes/b07mclw8

#6 Talking with Zali Steggall

9 Apr 2024, 36 minutes

Steve talks with the independent federal member for Warringah, NSW, who defeated then prime minister Tony Abbott in 2019 with a massive swing and who was re-elected in 2022 with an increased margin (now 11%). Zali is known for speaking out on climate change, gender equality, transparency, truth in political advertising, and similar issues. She gives some good advice on how to make change happen (i.e., don’t wait for someone else to do it). 

Wikipedia: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Zali_Steggall


Personal website: https://www.zalisteggall.com.au/

#5 Being independent with Andrew Wilkie

15 Mar 2024, 29 minutes

We talk to federal member for Clark, Andrew Wilkie, about all things independent and winning five consecutive elections. Wilkie is known for talking truth to power, whether it be about the Iraq war, the gambling industry, whistleblower protections or salmon farming.

#4 David Lindenmayer and The Forest Wars

6 Mar 2024, 28 minutes

Professor David Lindenmayer is an expert in forest ecology and management, amongst other things. He is based at the Fenner School of Environment and Society at the Australian National University. His 49th book is titled The Forest Wars (Allen and Unwin, 2024) in which he attempts to debunk the many myths that are propagated about forestry. Lindenmayer wants an end to native forest logging in Australia, with plantations and agroforestry providing jobs and timber.


Prof David Lindenmayer: https://researchers.anu.edu.au/researchers/lindenmayer-db


The Forest Wars (2024): https://www.allenandunwin.com/browse/book/David-Lindenmayer-Forest-Wars-9781761470752


Agroforesty (Rowan Reid): https://agroforestry.net.au/

'Why Tasmanian and Victoria dominate the list of Australia's largest trees' 


#3 Eloise Carr on Tasmanian polling

16 Feb 2024, 26 minutes

The Australia Institute’s Tasmanian director, Eloise Carr, joins us to discuss the independent think tank’s polling on integrity issues and the marine environment. 


Bass and Lyons polling, Dec 2021:

Statewide, Apr 2021:

Marine issues

Statewide, Apr 2023:

Salmon farming

Statewide, Apr 2021:

#2 Sue Barrett and Voices of Goldstein

9 Feb 2024, 35 minutes

We are joined by Voices of Goldstein co-founder Sue Barrett, who went on to become campaign manager for Zoe Daniel for the 2022 election. Sue shares her tips on how to run successful Voices groups and election campaigns.

The best gift

Sue shares her personal philosophy.


Our quest for Goldstein

Sue writes about the 2022 election campaign for the Australian Women's History Network.


Campaign management, strategy and tools

Sue shares what it takes to plan and execute a successful campaign from the awareness-raising stage, to direct voter engagement, to pre-poll and polling day.


Finding the Money

About 70-80 people attended the screening of the documentary Finding the Money on 27 Feb 2024 at the Franklin Palais (hosted by Circular Economy Huon).
The doco explores the fierce debate within academia about some economic fundamentals, especially how much should governments spend and the effects of such spending. Our media is all-but silent on this important debate as it continues to serve the interests of wealth and power. 

#1 MMT and ‘Finding the Money’

There’s another side to the national debt.
21 Jan 2024, 31mins

We're joined by documentary filmmaker Maren Poitras from the United States.  She's just made her directorial debut with a film with the intriguing title Finding the Money.

The documentary aims to instigate a paradigm shift to change our understanding of the national debt and the nature of money itself.

Documentary website: https://findingmoneyfilm.com/ 

Modern Money Lab: https://modernmoneylab.org.au/ 

‘Explainer: what is MMT?’: https://theconversation.com/explainer-what-is-modern-monetary-theory-72095

Mark Diesendorf: the path to an ecologically just civilisation
10 Jan 2024, 74mins

Christian Reilley talks to Mark Diesendorf, a physicist and professor in the Environment & Society Group at the University of New South Wales, about the economics underpinning his latest book, The Path To a Sustainable Civilisation.

Greater transparency, integrity, accountability.